Find The Certainty Within Yourself

Mar 06, 2025

There are a lot of unknowns in life.  The only thing certain in life is uncertainty.  Surrender to the uncertainty by having that deep knowing that everything will work out.  Trust and believe that you’ll receive what you want or something better.  Find the certainty within yourself that you can figure out whatever life throws your way.  There are things that will always be out of your control.  However, it’s how you respond and take action that matters.  Here is how to find the certainty within yourself.


Fear Based Action

You don’t make the best choices and decisions when you’re afraid.  You don't take action and show up as fully as you want to.  You’re operating from fear with a scarcity mindset.  You’re focused on the worst case scenario and everything that could go wrong, rather than what could go right.  This fear based mindset keeps you stuck from taking action because...

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Trust The Timing To Achieve Your Goals

Feb 27, 2025

Life is not a race to see who can accumulate all the accomplishments the fastest or get to the end with the most accolades.  It’s about enjoying the journey, learning, growing, and who you are becoming in the process.  Goals don’t always get achieved on your timeline.  Usually, it takes more time and hard work than you realize.  But, if you knew just how difficult the journey would be, you might not even try to begin with.  You must learn to trust the timing to achieve your goals.



There may be things that you want in your life right now.  Maybe that’s a particular goal, achievement, a certain level or status, personal belongings, etc.  Your job is to take action to achieve those things.  However, getting what you want doesn’t always happen on your timeline.  Often, life throws you obstacles to test your determination and will power to keep going.  Perhaps the universe is trying to teach you a...

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Hurrying Through Life

Feb 20, 2025

A lot of times, you’re in such a rush to achieve your goals that you forget to be present.  You don't always acknowledge the little things, lessons learned, or stop to celebrate your success.  You believe that if you can just get through this thing, then you can get on to the next thing.  You think that if you don't take advantage of this right now, then it might not come around or happen again in the future.  You’re rushing through life.  Jumping from one thing to another.  But, hurrying through life can leave a lot to be desired.


Future Focused

When you rush through life, you don’t always realize what got you to where you currently are.  You’re too busy focusing on the future goal and the end result that you forget what got you here.  You don’t realize all the lessons you’re learning, the challenges and obstacles you’re overcoming.  It’s hard to recognize who you’re...

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The Right Time To Achieve Your Goals

Feb 13, 2025

There is a concept of time when it comes to achieving your goals.  Often you set a deadline as to when you want to achieve your goal.  Sometimes that doesn’t always happen on your timeline.  You may get sidetracked or put off working on your goal because you feel like there’s not enough time.  Timing has a huge impact on many aspects your life.  You’re only given a certain number of hours each day and you never know when your time on Earth will end.  You will run out of time at some point so it’s best you do what you can with the time you have.  Here is how to find the right time to achieve your goals.


Not The Right Time

You may think it’s not the right time to work on your goals.  It could be that you think you need more experience, education, training, etc.  Maybe your schedule is already jam packed and you just don’t have enough hours in the day to work on your goal.  Perhaps...

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Four Pillars To Manifest Your Goals

Feb 06, 2025

Manifestation is defined as bringing specific desires, goals, or outcomes into reality through focused thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions.  You can manifest your biggest goals when you align your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions towards your desired outcome.  These are the four pillars to manifest your goals.



First, are your thoughts.  Concentrate on what you are thinking.  If you’re thinking negatively that you’re unable to achieve your goals then that will be your reality.  You might be deep in the throws of fear, worry, and doubt that constantly plague your mind.  This negative inner chatter isn’t going to help you achieve your goals.  Rather, it’s going to hold you back and prevent you from manifesting your goals.  You need to start thinking more positively.  Look to your past experience and find proof that you can do difficult things.  Start to reframe your mindset around...

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Manifesting Your Goals

Jan 30, 2025

Manifesting your goals and what you want to happen in your life may seem difficult.  Sometimes you become too attached to the outcome of what you want to happen.  You stress, have anxiety, fall into the fear, worry, and doubt that it’s not going to happen for you.  Manifesting your goals is at the intersection of your head and heart believing that what you want will come to fruition.



Your head gets swept up into all the fears, worries, and doubts.  It constantly thinks about what could possibly go wrong and all the worst case scenarios.  You start to spiral down this negative path pushing you further and further away from believing in your dreams.  Your head just wants to keep you safe and protect you from being let down if you don’t manifest your goals.  But, when you have big goals and dreams on your heart, you need every belief possible to help you manifest it.



Your heart is what’s guiding you to set...

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The Universe Is Working In Your Favor

Jan 23, 2025

Sometimes you get swept up in negative emotions that send you into a spiral of even more negative thoughts.  This negative thought pattern starts to consume you.  You constantly play out all the worst case scenarios in your head and you talk it out how you would respond to each one of them.  But, living in this negativity is not helping you.  It’s only building up your anxiety, stress, and negativity that’s creating a dark aura around you.  You cannot create anything good from negative energy.  Rather, you need to shift yourself into a more positive headspace.  That all starts by being of aware of where you’re placing your attention and energy.



When you operate from a place of positivity your mood changes.  You feel a sense of relief.  Your shoulders go up and down with a big sigh.  It’s like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.  From this place of positivity, you can see...

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Facing Uncertainty To Achieve Your Goals

Jan 16, 2025

You have hopes, goals, and dreams for the future.  But, something holds you back from going after them.  It could be fear, worry, or doubt.  It’s so much easier to stay in your current comfort zone of what you know to be safe.  However, that’s not how big goals are achieved.  You must learn to allow yourself to take a chance and bravely step into the unknown.  Otherwise, you’ll never know what you could have accomplished in your life.


Limiting Beliefs

There are many goals that have been put on your heart for a reason.  But, you’re still holding yourself back from achieving them.  Maybe it’s not the right time, you need more experience, you fear failure or judgement, and perhaps you doubt yourself by thinking who are you to dream up something so audacious, etc.  There are many limiting beliefs that stop you right in your tracks from going after your goals and dreams in life.  Ultimately, these...

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New Year Ins and Outs

Jan 09, 2025

At the start of the new year, you get to choose what’s in and what’s out.  You get to choose what you subscribe to and unsubscribe from.  These are the things that are going to help you create massive gains in your life verses the things that are draining your energy and keeping you from achieving your goals.  Let’s get clear on what you want and don’t want in your life this year.


What’s In

Start by making a list of the things that make you feel good and rejuvenated.  These are the things that make you happy and boost your energy.  Think about the things that make you smile and light you up.  Maybe that’s surrounding yourself with the right people by setting aside time to spend with supportive friends and family.  Perhaps it’s prioritizing time to consistently work on your goals.  You might want to follow inspirational people or subscribe to motivational content that empowers you to go after...

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Three Keys To A Successful Year

Jan 02, 2025

As you begin this year, it’s important to take note of where you currently are.  Assess where you’re at with your goals.  Perhaps you want to achieve something really big this year.  In order to do so, you’re going to need these three keys to a successful year.


What’s Working

First, begin by thinking about what you’re going to keep doing that’s working for you right now.  Maybe this is using your planner to schedule important tasks, limiting your social media consumption, prioritizing non-negotiable time to work on your goals, etc.  Think about the things you have prioritized doing that have made the biggest difference in making progress towards your goals.  These are the things you want to stay focused on continuing to do because these are the needle moving tasks that are going to help you achieve your goals this year.  Make a list of the things you need to keep doing in order to continue making progress...

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