Becoming Your Highest Self

Oct 03, 2024

There are times in life when you feel lost.  You’re not sure what direction to go and often times it just feels easier to go back to the good old days.  You’d rather go back to an enjoyable time in the past rather than face the difficult moment you’re currently going through.  However, life is an evolution to help you to learn and grow.  You’ll be faced with many challenges and obstacles along the way.  Each day is getting you closer to becoming your highest self.


Good Old Days

Sometimes you look back on the past and wish you could teleport yourself back to a certain time period.  Maybe it was a memorable life event or just being with someone special that’s not possible anymore.  As Andy Bernard says in the final episode of the Office, “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”  Often, you don’t realize those are the good days until you’re out of it and looking back.  Thinking back to some of your favorite memories can make you emotional.  You would give anything to go back and just experience those moments one more time.  Unfortunately, you can’t.  You also can’t just keep recalling and replaying past memories.  Living in the past won’t get you to where you want to be in life.  Instead, you have to look to the future.


Look To The Future

You may think looking towards the future means moving on from those past memories and who you were back then.  But really, it’s taking those memories and who you were to carry with you into the future.  Life is an accumulation of all those previous experiences, cherished moments, and treasured memories.  It’s helped you become who you are today and who you are today will help you become who you are tomorrow.  Each day builds upon the next.  However, the past does not define you.  You get to choose what you carry with you into the future.


Letting Go To Let In

You get to choose what you take with you from your past into the future.  Make a list of what you want to keep and take with you into the future.  These are the lessons learned, beliefs, and stories that serve your highest good.  Choose to take the happy memories and the moments you’re most proud.  You don’t have to take the bad memories and scary moments.  You learn from what happened and move forward.  Take time to identify everything you need to let go of from the past in order to let in the future version of you.  You must let go in order to let in.  If you’re not able to let go, then you’ll never be able to fully become the future version of who you’re truly meant to be.  Let go of the things that aren’t helping you so that you can step into the highest version of yourself who is able to achieve your goals and live your dream life.


Your Highest Self

You are not going to be this same person years from now.  One because of new life experiences and two because you chose a different path for yourself.  If you look into the future and see yourself successful and living the life of your dreams, it’s because you chose to take action.  You knew you were meant for more and you decided to go after your goals and dreams in life.  You stopped living in the past and started looking to the future.  You let go of what didn’t serve you so that you could become who you needed to be in order to achieve your goals in life.  This is how you become your highest self.



In order to become your highest self, you must learn from the past and be ready to embrace the future.  The past is what has gotten you to this point.  But, you can’t keep doing the same things forever if you want to achieve your goals in life.  You must learn, evolve, and grow.  If you want something different for yourself you must do something different.  Take what has helped you in the past and use that to help you in the future.  But, don’t be afraid to try something new and different.  Embrace the future and remember you’re still able to carry the important, meaningful parts of your past with you.  Life is an evolution and it’s a continual journey to becoming your highest self.


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