Boat Visualization To Achieve Your Goals

Aug 29, 2024

Visualize you’re the captain of a boat.  The boat symbolizes your life.  This is your life and you get to steer it in the direction you want to go.  You’ll travel through the vast open oceans and small streams.  Each experience is moving closer or father away from your goals.  Use this boat visualization to achieve your goals and traverse the water that is the journey of life.


Boat Visualization

Begin your visualization as you dressed as the captain at the helm of the boat.  Look out into the vast ocean around you.  You can see for miles.  In one direction, you have calm waters and sunny skies.  In the other direction, you see dark clouds, a thunderstorm with rain, and choppy sea waves in the distance.  Sometimes you’ll encounter storms and intense waves that try to bring you under.  But, wild waves and storms are to be expected when you’re working towards achieving your goals.  You’ll go through fog, where it’s difficult to see which direction to go.  It won’t always be easy, smooth sailing to achieve your goals.  You’ll also hear the call of the sirens who try to detour you and attempt to pull you towards the sharp rocks.  Ignore those distractions and stay on course to achieve your goals.  Visualize yourself becoming a master of the water, ignoring the call of the sirens, and maneuvering through the water to get you to where you want to be.


Where You Are

As the captain of the boat, you must first acknowledge where you are in your visualization.  You might feel lost and need to look on the map to see if you can pin point where you are.  Just know that you are right where you’re meant to be.  But, in order to move forward in the direction of your goals and dreams, you have to stop long enough to see where you currently are.  You must know where you are starting from before you take action towards where you want to be.  Drop a pin on location of your boat on your life map.


Your Destination

Next, get clear on where you want to go.  Use a map if you’re able and choose the destination for your future.  Utilize your navigation skills and create an action plan for your goals.  Get really clear on where you’re headed.  Then, chart your course towards the horizon of your dreams.  Be prepared for the uncertain and unknown.  The water can get rough, especially when you’re in areas that you’ve never been before.  However, this is how you achieve your goals.  You have to take new paths, step outside your comfort zone, and be courageous enough to keep going when it gets tough.


Check In

Continue to check in with yourself and your life map.  Ask yourself if you’re on course and headed in the right direction.  Acknowledge if this is still the path you want to be taking.  If not, then decide how to either get back on course or be brave enough to carve out a new path.  Routinely checking in with yourself will ensure that you’re moving forward to achieve your goals and live your dream life.  Knowing where you are and where you want to be is one thing.  But, during the journey you’ll be tested and thrown off course.  You need to constantly check in with yourself to make sure you’re still headed in the direction of where you want to go.



Lastly, document everything.  Document where you are today and your life’s journey.  Use a journal, notes app on your phone, or a paper notebook to keep track of your progress.  This makes it easier to see all the ways in which you’ve grown as you’ve gone from here to there and wherever you go next.  You can look back on the memories of your journey.  It can be a fun adventure if you let it.  Be the captain and take the helm to guide your boat in the direction of your dreams.  Map out the course and enjoy the journey.



Your future is never certain.  But, you can help steer yourself in the direction you want to go by getting clear on where you are and where you want to be in your life.  Visualize yourself as the captain of your own boat traversing the water of life.  You may be going down one path only to find yourself having to go in another direction.  But, when you’re clear on what you want to achieve and make happen, you’ll still be able to get there through continually checking in with yourself to make sure you’re on track.  It takes a lot of will power and determination.  Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you’ll eventually get there.  Document the journey so you can celebrate your progress along the way.  Your boat is gassed and ready to go on this adventure called life.


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