Create Your Dreaming Session

Dec 29, 2022

In the final week of the year, set aside time to dream about what you achieve and make happen in the new year.  Now is the perfect opportunity to create your dreaming session.  Here is how to get started to dream about the new year.


Set The Mood

Before you start dreaming about what you want to make happen in the new year, you need to first set the mood.  You’re not going to be able to focus and dream in a loud, busy environment.  Instead, find a quiet place alone where you can dream without interruption.  Maybe you want to light a candle while you cozy up with a warm blanket and your favorite beverage.  Take a few deep breaths to slow your mind down from life’s hectic pace.  It’s not a race to see how quickly you can complete your dreaming session.  Rather, it’s a time for you to dream as long as you need to so that you can fully visualize your major milestones in the new year.  Also, make sure you have a journal and pen nearby so that you can write down what transpired from your dreaming session.


Dreaming Session

Begin your dreaming session by visualizing what you want to happen in the new year.  Be open to all the possibilities.  Dream big and don’t limit yourself when that voice pipes up inside your head, giving you all the reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t.  Especially don’t let any of this year’s short comings cloud or put a damper on your dreams for next year.  You’re entering a new year and you will achieve big things!  Dream about places, people, and things that you want to experience.  Get crystal clear on what you want to make happen in the new year.  Allow your mind wander, explore, and imagine everything that’s possible.  Visualize it and write it all down.  Don’t let anything stop you from completing your dreaming session.


Dreaming Questions

Here are some questions to get your dreaming session started.  Ask yourself, if you could do it all, what would that look like?  Write down everything that comes to mind that you would want to do.  What’s one goal from this list that you would like to achieve in the new year?  What would have to happen in order to make that goal happen?  Who would you need to be?  What would you have to let go of?  What would you have to do differently?  What would it mean to you to achieve your goal in the new year?  How would you feel when you’ve achieved your goal?  Use these questions to help you fully visualize the new year in your dreaming session.



Lastly, write down your vision of what came up for you during this dreaming session.  You’ll be able to refer back to these notes anytime you feel called to do so.  Maybe that’s when you’re struggling to achieve your goal.  Perhaps that’s when you’re feeling uninspired, off course, or unconnected from your dream.  Use this journal as a reminder of what you wanted to make happen.  A goal is more likely to be achieved when it is written down.  Complete your dreaming session with any last thoughts you have about your hopes, goals, and dreams for the new year.



Your dreaming session is an important part to starting the new year off successfully.  Your dreaming session allows you to clearly see what you want to make happen.  You’re able to start the new year with direction, purpose, and you’re not simply floating through the days on auto pilot.  You’ll have a mission and goal to work towards in the new year.  Take time to complete your dreaming session and truly think about what you want to achieve in the new year.  Perhaps that’s achieving specific goals, traveling to exciting destinations, or building deeper relationships with family and friends, etc.  Give yourself permission to dream big without any boundaries or limitations.  It is all possible if you believe it is so.  End this year with hope for yourself, your goals, and your dreams as you go into the new year. 


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