Create Your Perfectly Planned Day

Oct 29, 2020

Your perfectly planned day doesn’t have to be difficult.  Your morning and evening routines are the end caps to your perfectly planned day.  Then, you can start filling in the rest of your day based off your energy levels.  Here is how to create your perfectly planned day.


Morning Routine

Have a morning routine to wake yourself up and get you in the right headspace for the day ahead.  Drink a full glass of water to hydrate yourself after a long nights sleep.  Exercise to get your blood pumping and stretch out your muscles.  Fuel your body with healthy food like a green smoothie.  Listen to something inspirational to feel positive.  Avoid scrolling through social media first thing in the morning that may trigger comparison or negative thoughts.  Also, check your email later in the day so you don’t get sidetracked with other people’s agendas.  Set yourself up for success with a solid morning routine.


Morning Power Hour

Find your power hour.  This is the time when you’re the most focused.  Use this time to work on your most important activities of the day.  This is usually when you’re the most creative and have the energy to produce your best work.  Think about the one to three most important things that you need to get done that require a lot of brain power.  Then, get those done when have the most energy during your power hour.  This could be early in the morning before anyone else wakes up or a few hours before lunch.  Plan your most important activities when you have the highest energy to focus.



After lunch your brain is starting to get tired from making so many decisions throughout the day.  Save the afternoon for answering emails or doing things that don’t require a ton of brain power.  It could be reviewing work that you’ve already done and proofreading before finalizing the project.  This time could also be for mundane tasks like running essential errands or even doing housework.  You may also want to take this time to recharge by reading, meditating, or going for a walk to give yourself an afternoon energy boost.  Tune into your body and do what’s best for you.



Set an end time for you work day.  You may even want to schedule an end of day review where you begin to unwind from work.  This can include reviewing what you’ve accomplished that day and planning out what you need to get accomplished the following day.  Then, devote the evening to spending time with loved ones.  Unplug from work and spend focused time with those you love.  Connect, cuddle, and build stronger relationships.  Have good conversation and leave work in your office.  It will be there tomorrow for you to pick up where you left off.  It can be difficult to leave work at work and be fully present at home.  Learn to set those boundaries for yourself.  You will get better with this over time.


Evening Routine

Complete your perfectly planned day by having an evening routine.  Shut off electronics, wash your face to remove your makeup, and put on your pajamas.  You may take a warm bath to relax, apply some essential oils, or read a book.  Turn off screens and allow your mind to shut down before bed.  Get at least seven to nine hours of sleep to wake up well rested so that you’re ready to tackle the next day.



Your perfectly planned day begins with your morning routine to get you in the right headspace with hydration, exercise, and positivity.  In the morning, do your most essential activities when you have the most energy during your power hour.  In the afternoon, schedule in activities that require less brain power.  You may also want to take a break to recharge by going for a walk or having some quiet time.  In the evening, unwind from work and be present with your family.  Then, end your day with your evening routine.  This is how to create your perfectly planned day.


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