Creating Change For Future You

Sep 19, 2024

There is a belief that you can’t change.  You are who you are.  However, you can change your future outcome by the actions you take today.  Perhaps you believe that you’re not a morning person.  However, if you take action to wake up earlier each day, you’re creating change in your life.  It’s not to say that it’s going to be easy or that you’re going to like it.  You’re just working on becoming a better version of yourself through these little daily actions.  The truth is, you can change but only if you’re committed to taking action and sticking to it to make it happen.


Creating Change

Think about your character and who you want to be.  If you don’t like who you are being then you have the power to change through the actions you take.  You will always have deep rooted fears, worries, and doubts that try to keep you as you are.  Yet, if you want to change something about yourself, you must take action in order to do so.  This might mean waking up earlier, committing to a new morning routine, starting an exercise program, meal planning, spending less money, reading more, etc.  You can do this but it’s not going to be easy.  Change is hard.  However, on the other side there is so much more greatness in store for your life.


Take Action

Begin by coming up with an action plan of what you’re going to do to improve your life.  Start small and work your way up to bigger action items.  Decide on a minor change in your life and commit to sticking with it.  Set a goal to do one little thing every day to create positive change in your life.  Then, make it a game to not break the chain by taking action each day.  Have integrity and do what you say you’re going to do.  Whenever something else comes up that sounds better or easier than doing the one thing that’s going to change your life, stop yourself and remember what you’re working towards.  Take the more important action that will move you closer to living your dream future.  Avoid giving up on yourself and your dreams.


Future You

Think about your future and who you want to be.  Do you really want to be known as someone who gives up on their word?  Take the difficult actions and choose to support the future you of who you’re becoming in the process.  This is not to say that the current version of yourself is bad or wrong, it is just in life you’re meant to evolve and grow.  Being the same person fifteen years from now isn’t going to change your life for the better.  Yet, if you commit to making one small improvement here and there, you’ll be miles ahead in the future.  Decide who you want to be in the future and take actions now that are you going to help you bridge that gap faster.



You are so much more powerful than you give yourself credit for.  You can either choose to remain stuck where you are or choose to learn, grow, and become a better version of yourself.  It’s easier to do nothing and just keep doing what you’ve always done.  However, that’s not going to help you achieve your goals and dreams in life.  You’re going to have to step outside your comfort zone and start doing things that you’ve never done before.  It is said you can’t keep doing what you’ve always done and expect a different result.  You must do something different if you want something different for your life.  Choose to do something different today and embrace the future version of you that you’re meant to become.  You can change your life but only if you start taking those positive actions today to make it your reality.


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