Embracing The Current Version Of You

Oct 10, 2024

There is an old version of you, the current version of you, and the future version of who you will become.  Your life experiences help develop who you are by what you go through.  Challenges and obstacles in life are meant to help you become better than you were yesterday.  But, sometimes you look backwards towards the past and wish you were that previous version of you.  Yet, that’s not possible.  It’s time you find yourself and start embracing the current version of you so that you can look towards the future version of who you’re becoming.


Old You

You may keep trying to move forward by trying to go back.  You want to go back to when things were simpler, easier, and when you didn’t have to try so hard.  This is the you who hadn’t walked through fire yet.  It’s the version of you who feels effortless compared to what you’ve been through since then.  You may think this previous version of you is the better, more preferable you.  However, you’re just shrinking back into yourself and retreating to the safest version of you that you know.  You’re waiting for that old version of you to return but it’s not going to happen.  That version of you is gone.


Let Go

You must give yourself permission to let the old version of you go so that you can step into the new version of you of who you’re meant to be.  Let go and release the stress, anxiety, and weight of trying to be someone you are no longer able to be.  You cannot expect to remain as the old version of you forever.  You must embrace the current version of you and meet the future version of you head on.  Do not be afraid of this process.  You have to let go of trying to be that old version of you so that you can step into who you’re truly meant to become.


Current You

Right now, you are here.  Stop trying to be the old version of you from the past.  The old version of you was not better.  In fact, you’re now smarter, wiser, and so much more capable of overcoming obstacles in the future.  The old version of you didn’t have all the things you have now.  You have so much more life experience and expertise now.  You’ve learned a lot along the way.  You have so much strength and wisdom inside of yourself that you didn’t have or know back then.  This is new and improved version of you.  Embrace the current version of you and who you’re becoming.


Your Progress

When you start embracing the current version of you, you can see your progress.  You can see how far you’ve come and who you’ve truly become.  Your past experiences shape you.  Learn the lessons and choose to move forward.  You cannot live in the past nor continue to be the past version of yourself.  You’re going to progress in this lifetime and future you is waiting.


Future You

Think about all the future possibilities, opportunities for growth, challenges and obstacles you will have to overcome in order to become your highest self which is your future you.  That may seem scary but it’s going to happen whether you like it or not.  Life cannot be lived in the past.  You must choose to move forward with the trust and belief that you can handle anything life throws your way.  With each step you’re more prepared and capable as you become your highest future self.



Who you are today will be miles different than who you are in the future.  The past version of you has gotten you to this point.  But, you must embrace the current version of you if you ever expect to get anywhere in your life.  Your future success, goal achievement, and happiness depend on it.  Stop living in the past and wishing for something that cannot be.  Embrace who you are and step into the future version of you is waiting. 


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