Facing Uncertainty To Achieve Your Goals

Jan 16, 2025

You have hopes, goals, and dreams for the future.  But, something holds you back from going after them.  It could be fear, worry, or doubt.  It’s so much easier to stay in your current comfort zone of what you know to be safe.  However, that’s not how big goals are achieved.  You must learn to allow yourself to take a chance and bravely step into the unknown.  Otherwise, you’ll never know what you could have accomplished in your life.


Limiting Beliefs

There are many goals that have been put on your heart for a reason.  But, you’re still holding yourself back from achieving them.  Maybe it’s not the right time, you need more experience, you fear failure or judgement, and perhaps you doubt yourself by thinking who are you to dream up something so audacious, etc.  There are many limiting beliefs that stop you right in your tracks from going after your goals and dreams in life.  Ultimately, these thoughts are limiting what you can achieve and it’s keeping you stuck in your comfort zone.


Getting Out Of Bed

Breaking out of your comfort zone is not easy.  Recall waking up in the morning.  Your bed is all nice and warm while you hear your alarm screaming at you to get up.  You’d rather just stay in bed instead of facing the day.  Yet, you get out of bed, knowing you can take on whatever is thrown your way that day.  Think about what gets you out of bed in the morning.  Maybe that’s for financial reasons, providing for your family, insuring you have the basic necessities in life, other responsibilities, etc.  You have a reason to take action and get yourself out of bed each day.


Reason Why

Similarly, you need a reason to go after your goals.  Maybe that’s to improve your life, get yourself to the next level, take on a new challenge, make yourself proud, etc.  Your reason could be that you will always wonder what you could have achieved or what your life would have looked like if you would have just taken a chance on your dreams.  Having a reason and knowing why you want to achieve your goal is an important key motivation to get you to take action.  This is especially true in those moments when you don’t want to.


Current Life

However, going after your goals is still scary.  Sometimes knowing your why is not enough.  A lot of times staying in bed or living life as is seems much easier.  You think your life is fine.  It might not be amazingly fantastic but it’s comfortable and enough to the point where you’d rather not risking losing what you already have.  Even if going after your goals and dreams might possibly be better than your current life.  The fear of taking a chance and possibly losing what you already have is not worth it so you remain stuck.  The upside has to be greater than the downside in order for you to take action and embrace the unfamiliar unknown.


Future Potential

Your current state has to get bad enough to where stepping into the unknown and taking a risk on the uncertain future is the lesser evil than staying where you are.  If things aren’t bad enough, then you might as well just remain where you are.  You don’t have to take a risk to face your fears, worries, and doubts.  You can continue floating through life.  But, that doesn’t allow you to live life to full potential.  In fact, you might be missing out on something truly amazing in your life.


Living With Regret

Consider if you didn’t take action towards your goals and dreams.  You’ll get to the end of your life looking back with regret wondering what could have or should have been.  You will always wonder how your life would have turned out differently.  Living with regret is no way to live.  It’s holding you back from living life to full potential.  You must bravely face the uncertainty to go after your goals and dreams in life.


Facing Uncertainty

You know it is time to face the uncertainty when the pull of your dreams becomes stronger than the comfort of your current reality.  It happens when you realize the fear of regret outweighs the fear of failure.  It’s important to ask yourself if you will be okay staying where you currently are for another year, five years, or the rest of your life.  Consider if nothing changes, how will you feel looking back on your decisions.  Imagine what is the best that could happen if you tried to achieve your goals and what is the worst that could happen.  Again, truly contemplate if the fear of regret is more than taking a chance on your goals and dreams.


Step Into The Unknown

The moment you realize that staying the same means giving up the potential of what could be, that is your sign that it is time to take action towards your goals and dreams in life.  Being brave and having courage doesn’t mean that the fear will completely disappear.  It means that you move forward despite it, knowing that it is still there.  Trust yourself and your ability to learn, adapt, make changes, adjustments, and grow through whatever challenges life throws your way.  Taking that first step into the unknown is how you discover the life you were truly meant to live.



Do not let fear hold you back from going after your goals and dreams in life.  Step into the unknown and embrace uncertainty.  The fears, worries, and doubts will always still be there but the incredible potential of what lies ahead is what will propel you forward.  Know your reason why you want to achieve your goals and what it will mean to you when you do.  Think about the regrets you’ll have if you never give yourself the opportunity to simply try.  Get out of your own way and stop letting your own limiting beliefs hold you back from living your dream life.


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