Find The Certainty Within Yourself

Mar 06, 2025

There are a lot of unknowns in life.  The only thing certain in life is uncertainty.  Surrender to the uncertainty by having that deep knowing that everything will work out.  Trust and believe that you’ll receive what you want or something better.  Find the certainty within yourself that you can figure out whatever life throws your way.  There are things that will always be out of your control.  However, it’s how you respond and take action that matters.  Here is how to find the certainty within yourself.


Fear Based Action

You don’t make the best choices and decisions when you’re afraid.  You don't take action and show up as fully as you want to.  You’re operating from fear with a scarcity mindset.  You’re focused on the worst case scenario and everything that could go wrong, rather than what could go right.  This fear based mindset keeps you stuck from taking action because you’re too afraid your worst case scenario will become your reality.  Think back to what worry, fear, and self doubt has actually done for you.  It may have protected you from some immediate danger.  Such as, burning your hand on a hot stove.  But, most of the time, it’s only created more fear, worry, doubt, stress, and anxiety in your life.



When it comes to achieving your goal, no one ever says that you should have worried more.  Instead, it’s said that you should push yourself to step outside your comfort zone.  You should face your fear and take the action anyway.  The fear, worry, and doubt will always still be there.  You just have to learn to step out of that dark cloud and into the light of trusting that your success is inevitable.


Your Future

Take a moment to visualize your bright future.  Imagine achieving your goals and living your dream life.  Then, think about how you would navigate your current fears and down moments now that you’ve seen everything working out in the future.  You’re now able to take action from a place of certainty, knowing that things will all work out.  Recall past challenges that you’ve overcome.  Use this as proof that you can make it through tough times.  Learn to embrace the uncertainty and have faith that things will work out in your favor.


Trust And Believe

You might not know how it is all going to work out but it's going to.  Trust that it's going to work out because you believe in yourself to figure it out.  Believe that you can handle the ups and downs.  You are creative so when things are down you can problem solve, make adjustments, changes, adapt, and evolve.  You are a learner and can find solutions by thinking of new ways to overcome challenges.  Step into becoming the scientist and experiment with other options.  Or, become the adventurer and explore new possibilities.  Trust and believe that you will figure it out.  You have so much evidence from your past experiences to prove that you can do this.  You’ve gotten this far.  Do not give up now!  You're not going to fail.  Rather, you’re going to learn so much in the process.


Navigating Uncertainty

You must learn to navigate situations when you don't fully have control.  There is going to be a lot of times when you’re not in control.  In these situations, you’re not going to have the perfect plan, road map, or all the answers.  Instead, you learn to show up with what you have, knowing that it doesn’t need to be perfect.  Lean in with the resources, energy, and knowledge you do have.  Realize that you are fully capable of figuring things out as you go.  Trust and believe that it all will.  It’s either this or something better.  You can thrive and achieve success with the tools that you currently have.  It’s all about taking action from a place of trust and what you do that inner belief matters.



Use the resources and knowledge that you already have to help you achieve your goals.  You’re capable of learning and being a creative problem solver.  This will help you to surrender to the uncertainty of the unknown future.  Do not let your fears, worries, and doubts hold you back from achieving your goals.  You will only fail if you give up or never even try.  Push yourself to take action from a place of trust and unwavering belief that it will all work out because you are fully capable of figuring it out to make it happen.  Find the certainty within yourself to achieve your goals in life.


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