Five Tips To Go All In On Your Goal

Mar 25, 2021

Think about what it would mean to go all in your goal.  Envision how you would have to show up, what action steps would you have to take, and what would you need to believe in order to make that goal happen.  You will be more committed to achieving your goal when you take your goal seriously.  When you take your goal seriously you feel different.  Your goal becomes your top priority and everything you do is focused on making it happen.  Here are five tips to help you go all in on your goal.



When you go all in on your goal your attitude and posture changes.  You walk around with your shoulders down and back, chest open and forward, a straight spine, and head held high.  You have incredible self confidence about yourself and your ability to achieve your goal.  You carry yourself differently when you believe in yourself and your goal.


Belief Mindset

When you believe that you can do anything you set your mind to the world of possibilities opens up.  All of a sudden, doors that were once closed open up full of opportunities that allow you to make progress towards your goal.  Things just fall into place easily and effortlessly.  Your mind is not consumed with fear and self doubt when you believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goal.  Fear may still hover in the background, but you don’t let it take over and control your actions.  Instead, you believe that your success is inevitable.  You stop assuming you will fail.  When you get out of your own way and stop letting fear dictate your commitment level, amazing things start to happen that allow you achieve your goals.


Plan To Win

When you believe that your success is inevitable you go all in on your goal.  You plan to win and achieve your goal.  There is no other option.  You commit to continuing to work on your goal.  This means knowing that challenges will occur but you’ll keep trying new ways to achieve your goal.  You expect without a doubt that you will achieve success.  When you plan to win instead of planning to fail, you are fully committed to the outcome of success for your goal.


Time Block

In order to go all in on your goal, you must dedicate specific time to work towards your goal.  This means scheduling blocked time in your planner to work directly on your goal.  Use this time to focus directly on the tasks that will move you closer towards your goals.  Put up a do not disturb sign, put your phone on airplane mode, and let others know not to interrupt you during this particular time.  You must protect this time fiercely as other, less important tasks will try and take over this time.  Set aside a certain amount of time as a non negotiable appointment on your calendar that you cannot miss.


Positive People

Surround yourself with positive people that empower you to achieve your goals.  Learn from experts and mentors who have gone before you and can shortcut your way to success.  Educate yourself with books, audios, and videos.  Invest in tools and resources in order to improve your skills.  Surround yourself with people who have done this before and inspire you.  Share your goal with others and ask for accountability.  You’ll be more committed to your goal when you surround yourself with positive people who will support you.



When you take your goal seriously you will show up differently.  You will do the things that will move you closer to your goals.  You will become the person who schedules dedicated time to take action on her goal, has confidence, plans to win, believes in herself and her goal.  Surround yourself with positive people who will help you.  Take your goals seriously and go all in.  Remember, your success is inevitable.  Especially when you go all in on your goal.


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