Manifestation is defined as bringing specific desires, goals, or outcomes into reality through focused thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. You can manifest your biggest goals when you align your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions towards your desired outcome. These are the four pillars to manifest your goals.
First, are your thoughts. Concentrate on what you are thinking. If you’re thinking negatively that you’re unable to achieve your goals then that will be your reality. You might be deep in the throws of fear, worry, and doubt that constantly plague your mind. This negative inner chatter isn’t going to help you achieve your goals. Rather, it’s going to hold you back and prevent you from manifesting your goals. You need to start thinking more positively. Look to your past experience and find proof that you can do difficult things. Start to reframe your mindset around failure and challenges to recognize that it’s a lesson in growth to learn from. You are the thinker of your thoughts so choose to think positive thoughts that empower, inspire, and motivate you.
Next, are your feelings. You might be feeling down about your lack of progress towards your goals right now. Perhaps you’re feeling like it’s just impossible to manifest your goals. Maybe you’re feeling drained and your energy is depleted. How you feel deeply impacts your ability to manifest your goals. If you’re not feeling it then your goals will remain unachieved. Find ways to increase your energy level and get yourself out of this funk. Sometimes you need to shake off the negative feelings and have a dance break. Pause to celebrate your little wins and recall the successes you’ve had along the way. Reflect over just how far you’ve come thus far. Confide in a friend who can cheer you on and boost your moral. Take time for self care to rest and recharge so that you can find that feeling of excitement again for what’s coming in your future.
Then, are your beliefs. These are the beliefs that are either limiting what you can achieve or inspiring you. Maybe you believe success is not possible for you. Perhaps you’ve lost the faith and belief that you can achieve your goals. Regain your confidence by trusting and believing that your success is inevitable. Let go of the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Work to change your beliefs by choosing beliefs that open you up to the unlimited possibilities of your future. Start believing that it is possible for you to manifest massive success in your life.
Lastly, is action. You can’t just think, feel, and believe that you’ll achieve your goal without taking action. You must still do something in order to make it happen. It’s not going to just magically manifest on its own. Begin by taking small, intentional steps towards your goals. As Rumi says, as you walk on the way, the way will appear. You won’t have the perfect roadmap or the complete outline of how to achieve your goals. But, little by little, as you take action, you’ll start to see the way. Take the best action step you can right now to manifest your goals.
When you align your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions together, the only result is for your goals to manifest. Usually, one of these four pillars is missing and that’s why you haven’t achieved your goals yet. Perhaps that’s the thoughts you’re thinking, how you’re feeling, what you believe, or maybe you’re simply just not taking action towards your goals. Get in alignment with these four pillars and watch as your biggest goals begin to manifest.
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