Four Questions To Help You Live A Better Life

Sep 17, 2020

You want to live your best life.  But, something may be feeling a bit off for you.  The following four questions will help you figure out what you need to address so that you can live your best life.  Get out a pen and a piece of paper to write down your responses to these four questions.  You may also find it easier to use a word document on your computer or the notes app on your phone.  Choose which ever method works best for you.  Just know that seeing your answers written down will give you so much more clarity than simply answering these questions quickly in your head.  Set aside the time to answer these four questions to help you live a better life.


What do you feel like is missing?

Take a look at your life and contemplate what is missing.  Think about what you believe is not there, but if it were, you’d feel happier about life.  This could be something in your environment.  Such as physical things, like a house, car, etc.  It could be relationships where you feel disconnected and crave a deeper relationship with someone.  You could also feel like a part of you is missing and something is off with your mental well being.  Take a few minutes to brainstorm ideas of what you feel like is missing in your life.


How do you want to feel?

Feelings are so important.  How you feel determines what actions you take.  If you’re feeling negative emotions then your actions won’t be the best.  However, if you’re feeling positive then you’re more likely to be making better choices in your life.  Decide how you want to feel.  Perhaps you want to feel happy, inspired, motivated, loved, significant, worthy, enough, etc.  Write down how you want to feel.


What’s preventing you feeling this way?

Once you’ve specified how you want to feel, now it’s time to figure out what’s preventing you from feeling this way.  Something may be causing you a great deal of stress in your life.  Determine what needs to be addressed that’s holding you back from feeling the way you want to feel.  These could be your own limiting beliefs or a current situation that’s putting extra pressure on you.  Journal your thoughts about what specifically is preventing you from feeling the way you want to feel.


How can you feel the way you want to feel right now?

The most important question to answer is if you want to feel a certain way, how can you feel that way right now.  Think about what you could do today to feel the way you want to feel.  If you want to feel happy, think about things you could do that will make you feel that way.  If you want to feel significant, figure out what action items you could do that would bring about that feeling.  Then start doing those things right now.  Watch as you start to feel better about yourself and your life.  Maybe you need to start reading motivational books, watching inspirational videos, reading affirmations, etc.  Do things that create the feeling you want to feel.  Come up with activities that you can do that will evoke the feeling you want to feel in your life.



Use these four questions to help you live a better life.  First, realize what seems to be missing in your life.  Then, decide how you want to feel.  Next, figure out what’s preventing you from feeling that way.  Lastly, find ways to feel the way you want to feel right now.  Take the time to journal your responses to these four questions.  This will help you live a happier and more fulfilling life with purpose.


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