How To Get Through A Difficult Time

Aug 18, 2022

When it comes to achieving your goal, there are plenty of ups and downs along the way.  Sometimes you encounter a curve ball as test or reminder to see if you’re paying attention.  Often these are full of lessons to learn.  But, in the moment, it can seem almost impossible to face the upcoming hurdle.  Whether it’s bad news or something unexpected that happened, you will get through it.  It may just take more of a battle than you want it to.  Yet, your willpower, strength, and determination will help you get through a difficult time.  Here are six tips to help you get through a difficult time so that you can achieve your goal.


You’ll Get Through This

First, tell yourself that you'll get through this.  Remind yourself that you're strong, capable, and can handle whatever life throws at you.  Recall difficult past experiences that you’ve made it through as evidence that you can make it through this too.  Sure, right now you might not have all the answers, but you'll figure it out.  You've gotten this far in life and you’ve made it so far.  You will get through this too.


Take Action

Next, focus on what your next small step is towards achieving your goal.  Decide what you can do.  Rather than spinning your wheels in the wonder and what if's, take action and see how you can be proactive.  Think about what you can control, which is how you respond by taking action.  Don’t remain stuck, take action to overcome the difficultly you’ve been presented with.  If you need additional help, reach out for support or do some research to best educate yourself so that you have the tools you need to best equip yourself to get through this, because you will.


Worst Case Scenario

Allow yourself to go to your worst case scenario.  Let it play out in your mind what the worst thing would be to happen.  Such as, not achieving your goal.  Then, make a plan for how you’ll respond if that does in fact happen.  Now you can feel more prepared.  Remember, your worst case scenario rarely happens.  But, allowing yourself to go there and creating a plan for how you’ll react makes you feel better because you know how to respond.  Don’t let your worst case scenario consume your thoughts.  Run through it once and then give your time and attention to things that are more productive that will actually help you to achieve your goal.


Be Present

If you find yourself dwelling on your worst case scenario or stressing out about achieving your goal, then pull yourself back into the present.  Immediately stop the anxiety, panic, and worry from taking over.  Bring your attention to the physical objects in the room.  Start naming items and your thoughts will begin to slow down.  You’ll start to feel calmer and more at ease.  Take in the sights, smells, and noises around you until you’re fully present in the room you’re in.  Any time you feel your mind is racing, bring yourself back into the present moment.



Then, focus on the constants in your life that you’re grateful for.  Whether that’s certain people, physical items, morning coffee, your ability to do specific things, etc.  Find the things that you’re truly grateful for in your life.  Even in the most difficult of times, gratitude can help boost your spirits so that you can keep going.  When you’re feeling down and out, remind yourself of what’s truly important.  What you're facing may be massively scary because you’ve never done it before.  But, remember what you’re grateful for in life and that will help you to keep pushing forward.


Find Strength

Lastly, find strength when you need it the most.  If you’re struggling to find strength within yourself, pull strength from other people around you.  Maybe that’s calling a friend or family member.  Reaching out for help does not make you weak.  It makes you brave and allows others around you to feel useful when they’re not quite sure how to help.  Surround yourself with positive people who will support you in achieving your goal.



Achieving your goal is challenging and difficult work.  There are a lot of ups and downs.  But, don’t let these down moments win.  Tell yourself that you’ll get through this because you’ve made it through difficult things in the past and this is no different.  You are strong.  Next, take action and focus on taking your next small step to get through this.  Allow yourself to envision your worst case scenario and choose how you will respond if that were to happen.  Don’t dwell on the negative and bring yourself back into the present moment whenever you find yourself worrying about the unknown future.  Turn to gratitude and find strength from others whenever you are struggling.  Use these six tips to help you get through a difficult time so that you can achieve your goal.


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