How To Spice Up Your Daily Routine

Nov 12, 2020

If you’ve ever struggled to maintain a daily planner, it could be because you don’t feel like you have enough variety of activities going on each day to fill one out.  But, even if you feel like your days are on repeat, it’s important to have a clear view of what’s happening each day.  If you’re wanting some more variety in your life, then there are a few things you can do that will spice up your daily routine.



If you feel like your days are stuck on repeat then spice things up by scheduling in something new and exciting.  This could be cooking a new recipe, taking a road trip, or trying a new hobby.  Do something that’s a new adventure for you.  This will give you something to look forward to.


Sometimes the easiest way to spice up your daily routine is just to give yourself a new look.  Instead of seeing the same old you in the mirror, spice things up by doing your makeup differently.  Get a haircut or simply style your hair in a new way.  Perhaps you could incorporate a new accessory or mix and match the clothing you already have to create a fun, new, stylish look.  Step outside your comfort zone of your normal daily routine and build up your confidence by choosing one new thing to try this week.



The next way you can spice up your daily routine is to schedule in self care.  Time block some time specifically dedicated to yourself in order to improve your mental well being.  Take care of yourself and give yourself the space and time you need in order to recharge.  You’ll feel so much more refreshed after taking a moment for yourself.  Activities you could do for self care include getting your nails done, taking a bubble bath, getting a massage, or applying a face mask.  Spend quite time reading a book or taking an exercise class.  Do something that will make you feel good.  If it’s been awhile since you’ve taken time out for yourself then choose an evening this week to schedule in some self care.  Remember, these things won’t magically happen on their own so schedule them into your planner. 



Lastly, if you’re stuck in your daily routine then you can spice things up by doing something nice for someone else.  This could be grocery shopping for someone, volunteering your time, helping someone with some projects around their house, etc.  Even spending quality time with friends or a loved one by having good conversation can refuel your energy and get you out of the daily funk.  Offer to be there for someone this week that gets you out of the daily mundane activities.



If you’ve been stuck in your daily routine then you have the power to change things up.  Spice up your routine by doing something new and be adventurous.  Next, when you’re feeling bored in your daily routine, recharge your energy by taking time for self care.  Lastly, get out of your daily routine by doing something nice for someone else.  These three things will spice up your daily routine and make you feel happier in life.  Take the time now to schedule these three things into your planner this week so that you’ll get out of the mundane daily routine and have something to look forward to.


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