Learning to Love Yourself

Aug 09, 2018

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that in order for someone to love you have to love yourself first.


Growing up we all encounter some bullying and jokes or not nice words said about us.  In today’s day and age it seems to only be getting worse. Especially with social media and how easy it is to write hurtful things without seeing how it truly affects the other person.  As kids we are just learning how to be in this world.


The external environment is not the only battle we are fighting.  The internal one can be much more powerful.  Our inner critic can be so strong.  We often tell ourselves that we are not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, etc.  We need to change the voice inside our head.  We have the power to choose the thoughts we think.  These can be negative and hateful or they can come from a place of positivity and love.


Watch what you are telling yourself this week.  When you catch yourself saying something negative, STOP, and use an affirmation from the free PDF download I have provided below.



What if the root of all illness and disease was created in our mind because of the negativity and lack of love?  Is this too far fetched to believe?


For many of us we struggle with body image.  The extra pounds around our waist and the tight pants we fight to button.  We often go on diets and hope that when we step on the scale the pounds have come off.  I remember as a teenager trying on jeans and seeing this girl with these big hips that didn’t quite look right.  You almost feel like an alien in your own body and try to avoid mirrors and cameras at all costs.  What if instead we embraced our body image and loved the body we are in?  Could you lovingly look into the mirror and accept the person looking back?  This is who you are.  We may not always feel that sense of confidence but learning to love yourself for who you are is definitely a great place to start.


I’ve struggled with acne for many years.  It finally started to clear after correcting my diet and eating healthier food.  That means cutting out the fast food and adding real whole foods like vegetables.  One day I looked in the mirror and instead of trying to cover my face I found I was actually proud of the person looking back.  That feeling was incredible.  I felt love.  Since then I’ve tried to look in the mirror positively about myself.  I still have acne scars and the occasional breakout but nothing like it was.  Yes, I believe I can attribute some of this to cleaning up my diet but I can also say that loving myself and not spending hours looking in the mirror picking myself apart has certainly helped.


This week’s freebie is a list of powerful affirmations you can say to yourself to help boost your confidence.  My challenge for you this week is to say these affirmations looking directly in the mirror at yourself.  If you struggle with any of these, know that area is a hot button for you to work on. That area needs a little extra love and attention to change the inner voice in your head to truly believe this positive affirmation about yourself.  Let this affirmations help you to love yourself and the body you're in.




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