Make Your Own Choices In Life

Sep 26, 2024

You are faced with a lot of choices in your life.  One of those choices is to follow the path of someone else or to go out on your own and carve your own way.  The path that’s already carved out is easier.  You can see where to go.  When you’re carving your own path is difficult.  But, following everyone else isn’t always the best answer.  You might think they must know where to go and the right way on how to get there.  However, following the group can detour you from your goals and what you’re working to achieve even when you least expect it.  It just creeps up on you.  Yet, it’s the choices and small actions you take daily that add up that eventually get you to achieve your goals in life.  You must learn to be confident in yourself enough to make your own choices in life.


Being A Follower

When you are with a group of people, the choices of others can affect you.  Maybe it’s a group decision to do one thing but deep down you hear a small inner voice that says you should do something different.  Often times, you push that little voice down and opt to go with the crowd in order to fit in or be liked.  You think everyone else is doing it so you should too.  You fear disappointing others or their disapproval if you were to decide to do something else.  You don’t have enough confidence to stand up for yourself yet and instead you just become a follower.  However, choosing to be a follower doesn’t achieve greatness, massive goals, or major success in life.  Rather, it’s the leaders who are courageous and strike out on their own.


Inner Confidence

It’s time to tap into your inner confidence.  Confidence a muscle you can strengthen and a skill you can constantly improve upon.  It’s something you can turn off and on when you need it.  Recall the last time you had to be confident.  It might have been a scary, unknown situation but you knew you had to face the outcome no matter what.  Pull from that inner confidence.  Be confident in who you are, what you stand for, and what you want.  This is your life.  You do not need to be following the path of someone else.  You can choose to be a leader and go your own way.


Road Less Traveled

As Robert Frost says, “two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."  You may be faced with two paths and one is more worn than the other.  It doesn’t mean the lesser traveled path is bad or wrong.  In fact, it might just be the road you need to travel.  Do not be afraid to take the lesser traveled path or to even be brave enough to carve your own path.  You do not need to follow the lead of anyone else in this life.  Stand in your own power and choose the direction that’s right for you. 



Other people are going to try and influence you.  But, you have the power to choose how you respond and what actions you take.  Choose to take the best action that aligns with you and your goals in life.  Do not let the choices of others steer you in the wrong direction.  You get to choose to either be a follower or be the leader and sometimes you do have to carve your own path.  It’s not always easier or more fun.  In fact, it’s usually more difficult but so worth it in the end.  Have the confidence to stand up for yourself and your goals of what you’re working to achieve in your life.  Be brave, courageous, and confident enough to make your own choices in life without the fear of disappointing others.


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