New Year Ins and Outs

Jan 09, 2025

At the start of the new year, you get to choose what’s in and what’s out.  You get to choose what you subscribe to and unsubscribe from.  These are the things that are going to help you create massive gains in your life verses the things that are draining your energy and keeping you from achieving your goals.  Let’s get clear on what you want and don’t want in your life this year.


What’s In

Start by making a list of the things that make you feel good and rejuvenated.  These are the things that make you happy and boost your energy.  Think about the things that make you smile and light you up.  Maybe that’s surrounding yourself with the right people by setting aside time to spend with supportive friends and family.  Perhaps it’s prioritizing time to consistently work on your goals.  You might want to follow inspirational people or subscribe to motivational content that empowers you to go after your goals.  It could be that you need to slow down, pause, and take time to recharge while putting your needs first for a change.  Figure out what your priorities are this year and get laser focused on what’s most important that will fill your cup.


What’s Out

Next, list out what makes you feel tired, worn out, and exhausted.  These are the things that are bringing down your mood and draining your energy.  You may need to limit time with energy sucking vampires who deplete you.  Perhaps you need to stop trying to do everything yourself and finally ask for help.  Maybe you need to avoid rushing through life and take a moment to celebrate the progress you’ve made thus far.  It might be that you need to eliminate distractions and the mindless consumption of endlessly scrolling unhelpful social media.  Unsubscribe from accounts that are causing you to second guess yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.  Let go of the things that are preventing you from achieving your goals and holding you back from living a fulfilling life.


What You Can Control

This year, focus on what you can control.  You can’t control others and what they think or do.  However, you can control your thoughts, feelings, and actions on how you respond.  Choose to go after your goals and dreams no matter what others think or say.  Avoid being a people pleaser.  Don’t look for approval from other people to just be liked.  Stop comparing yourself to others and the level of success someone else has.  Instead, put blinders on to focus on you and what you can control.  End going down the rabbit hole of beating yourself up because you’re not where you’d like to be.  It’s not going to help you achieve your goals by getting mad, sad, upset, or telling yourself that you’re behind.  Rather, focus on what actions you can take to achieve your goals and dreams this year.



Figure out ways you can do more of what gives you energy, makes you feel good, and helps you to achieve your goals.  Do less of the things that drain your energy, leave you feeling negative, and hinder your ability to achieve your goals.  Stop putting yourself last and focus on what you need to do to in order to feel happy, fulfilled, and complete in life.  Focus on what you can control and avoid obsessing over what you can’t control.  You’re more likely to achieve your goals when you’re clear on what you want and what you don’t want in your life.


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