Sit With The Sound Of Silence

Mar 21, 2019

Every moment your mind is flooded with thoughts.  It can be difficult to quiet your mind and simply sit there in silence.  That is your challenge this week.


Schedule five minutes to sit in silence.  This practice will allow you to pause for a moment.  It’s time well spent to stop thinking about the mounting pressure of your to do list. 


Set a timer for five minutes.  The timer is used in case you become so relaxed that you fall asleep.  Sitting in silence will not only help quiet your ever busy mind, but it will let you to be more present.


Lay on the floor on your back with your legs stretched out and your arms by your sides.  Palms up if you feel like you need clarity on something and would like to receive guidance.  Palms down if you want to feel more grounded and present in the moment.  Close your eyes.  You may hear some sounds around you but the key here is to quiet your mind.


Your mind may be racing with things you think you should be doing instead of lying there.  Resist the urge to think about what happened in the past or what’s happening in the future.  You’re in the present time.  Remember, this is only five short minutes of stillness. 


Take this time alone to be by yourself, without the push of needing to be somewhere.  You are where you need to be.


Focus on the rising and falling of your chest.  Perhaps it’s easier to focus on your nose, breathing in and out as your lips are sealed. If you mind wanders let it, and gently refocus on your breathing.


There is no judgement here. Please know that no one is good at this the first time.  It takes a lot of practice to sit in silence without your mind going in a million directions.  Over time, and with practice, you will become better at it.


This is how you start meditating.  The practice of clearing your mind to make room for new thoughts and gain more awareness on things you have been pondering.


Often times you’re so consumed with a hectic scheduling, worrying about what you need to get done and rushing through the day that you lose yourself in the daily routine.  That’s why it’s so important to take a time out and allow your mind to stop.  Taking time to refocus on what’s important and giving yourself time to recharge.


Sleep is a great example. Your body requires sleep in order to wake up refreshed.  Without sleep your body has no down time to rejuvenate itself. Sleep is the ultimate relaxation and way to sit in silence.


Next time you’re feeling low on energy try taking five minutes to sit in silence.  This is especially helpful in the afternoons when you need an extra boost of energy.  It’s almost like taking a short nap.  You’ll feel reenergized with a clear mind.


Sitting in silence has some incredible benefits.  Choose to take time to quiet your mind.  Take a deep breath and stop your mind from thinking.  The silence will clear your thoughts.  You’ll gain new perspective and relieve stress in the process.  You’ll feel better when you take time to sit with the sound of silence.


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