Six Tips To Get Your Motivation Back

Aug 04, 2022

There are some days when you’re feeling a lack of motivation.  You know you should be taking action towards your goals but you’re just not feeling motivated to do so.  Don’t give up.  Everyone has an ebb and flow of motivation.  Sometimes you feel discouraged because the path to achieving your goals gets difficult.  Other times you’ve just lost interest, passion or excitement.  The key is to get back to your motivation as quickly as possible.  Here are six ways to help you get your motivation back.


It’s Normal

First, recognize that it’s normal to lose your motivation.  It happens to everyone.  Don’t beat yourself up or get down on yourself if you’re feeling a lack of motivation.  Sometimes you’ll be super excited and motivated and other times you won’t want to do the work because it feels like a chore.  That doesn’t mean that you’re on the wrong track or that your goal is not worth pursuing.  You just need to find your motivation again.  Acknowledge when you’re in a funk and you’ve lost your motivation.  Only then will you be able to catch yourself and fix it!


Clear Your Mind

Next, clear your mind.  Something is blocking you from getting your tasks completed that will move you closer to achieving your goal.  Your mind is in a funk.  Clear your mind by going for a walk, exercise, or just simply move your body.  Put on some good music and dance it out.  Take the focus away from what you’re trying to work on and release your tension.  Let go of the stress, fears, worries, and doubts.  You’ll come back refreshed and reinvigorated to work towards your goal when you let go of what’s been holding you back.  Sometimes you just need to step away, clear your mind, and get some fresh perspective before you can get back to work on your goals.


Make It Fun

Then, instead of making work to achieve your goals something that you dread, find a way to make it enjoyable.  Feed your mind positivity instead of focusing on the negative and all the reasons why you don’t want to do the work.  Think about how you’ll feel when you’re done and you’ve completed the tasks you’ve been putting off.  Make a game out of completing the tasks by celebrating when you hit little milestones.   Establish a reward for yourself once you’ve completed each one.  This simple shift can help you supercharge your motivation to get your tasks completed, even when you’re not feeling like it.  Find a way to make it fun and then get it done!


Change Your Environment

Next, complete your goal related tasks somewhere else.  For example, if you’re trying to get a workout in, go for an outdoor walk, go to a gym, or take an exercise class.  Change it up with what type of workout you’re doing and where.  Do something different.  Maybe you need the excitement and energy of other people to uplift your spirits.  Or, perhaps you just need silence.  Test out working on your goals in a different room in your house that provides a new environment.  Go to a local coffee shop for an energetic buzz or rent out a hotel room for some peace and quiet.  Try a change of scenery to get you back into the mood of getting your tasks completed.


Find Support

Then, call in extra support from someone who can help you.  This could be a friend or family member who will listen and encourage you to keep on going.  Maybe you know someone who has accomplished something similar or who has experienced loss of motivation too.  Ask what they did and create an action plan.  When you share what you’re working on, others will be able to hold you accountable so that you keep showing up.  Find support from people who can help you to achieve your goals.


Reconnect To Your Why

Lastly, remember why you wanted to achieve this goal.  Think about what it will mean to achieve it.  Reconnect to this feeling and bring life to it.  Your greatest motivation will be your reason behind why this goal means so much to you.  You can’t give up on your goals and dreams in life.  Remember why you started and set this goal to begin with.



When you’ve lost all motivation, you begin to wonder why you’re even doing this in the first place.  This is especially true when you’re not enjoying it.  Realize that it’s completely normal to feel this way.  When you experience a loss of motivation, take time to clear your mind.  Next, make it fun and find ways to make what you’re working on enjoyable.  Then, complete the work in a new environment that has fresh energy.  Call in support from friends and family if you’re continuing to struggle.  Lastly, reconnect to why you want to achieve your goal.  Use these six tips to help you get out of your funk and find your motivation so that you can achieve your goal!


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