Step Into The Unknown Future

Oct 17, 2024

Often you become so comfortable in your current comfort zone of what’s familiar, stepping outside of that seems scary.  Stepping into the unknown future is uncertain.  You don’t know what you’re going to encounter or how it’s going to turn out.  You only know that it’s very unfamiliar territory and it’s easier just to remain in comfort zone.  However, if you feel like you’re meant for more and want to live life to your full potential, then it’s time to learn how to step into the unknown future.


Door To Your Future

You can either live in your current comfort zone or look forward and envision a future that is different than where you are today.  If you desire something different than what you have right now, then you must make a choice.  You can choose to either stay where you are or open the door into your unknown future.  You might be afraid of opening this door but, what’s waiting for you on the other side could be incredibly amazing.  You see, your mind usually goes to the worst case scenario of what could go wrong instead of focusing on what could go right.  This keeps you stuck in your comfort zone afraid of taking the risk of stepping into the unknown future.  However, there are still many extraordinary things that can happen in your lifetime if you just took action to step into the unknown future.


The Path To Success

You may have a vision for what you want your future to look like, but the path to getting there is unclear.  There are no road maps, step by step directions, or a special magic wand to get you there.  You just have to take action based on your own trust and belief that you’ll be able to figure it out as you go.  As Rumi says, when you walk on the way, the way appears.  Each step you take will allow you to see the next step and the next.  The entire path won’t be perfectly clear to you but, with each forward step you take, you’ll make progress and eventually achieve success.


Small Action Steps

If you’re unclear what steps to take, ask yourself, what can you do in this moment that will move you out of fear and closer to the life you want to be living.  Look at where you are and think about where you want to be.  Then, choose one small action step you can take.  This small action is progress and helps to build momentum.  Hesitating without taking any action will only keep you stuck.  Do not remain paralyzed by fear of the future.  You just have to make the best possible choices with the information you currently have and you can improve or make adjustments along the way.


Your Path Choice

There are many things that are outside of your control.  Yet, you have the power over how you choose to experience the world.  You can remain on your current path that you know is not serving you, or you can choose to change the path to go after your goals and dreams in life.  No one can see what the future holds for certain.  But, you have your intuition and vision for the life you want to live.  Stay focused on that and take the brave, intentional steps towards the life you want. 



Every moment you make a choice.  You choose to either remain in your comfort zone or step into the unknown future.  The unknown future is scary but there is so much more that can be achieved when you just get out of your own way and take action towards the life you want.  Choose to open the door into the unknown future with the belief that amazing things are waiting on the other side.  Choose to walk on the path of success with the trust and belief that you will figure it out with each step you take.  Take those small action steps and make adjustments as you need to.  Ultimately, choose to step into the unknown future to live the life of your dreams.


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