The Future You

Sep 05, 2024

The choices and actions you take today are determining your future.  Every step you take is either getting you closer or farther away from your dream life.  You must learn to make better decisions today that will help guide you towards the life of your dreams.  Begin doing things today that your future self will thank you for.  Decide who you need to become in the future in order to start making your goals and dreams a reality.


Your Future

First, get clear on what you want to make happen in the future.  Visualize what you want to your future to look like.  See the places you want to go, things you want to do, goals you want to achieve, etc.  Then, write down your future as if you were writing it into reality so that you’re crystal clear on the future life you want to live.


Future You

Next, envision future you.  This is who you will become in the future.  Perhaps you’re braver, more resilient, courageous, smarter, etc.  You will have been through certain life events and experiences that give you more knowledge to overcome obstacles in the future.  Determine who you need to become in order to make your life’s dream a reality.  Think about that future version of you and who you can work on becoming today.


Take Action

Then, get to work.  Start taking action steps today that will help the future version of you.  Maybe that’s using a planner, getting organized, waking up earlier, setting a goal, creating accountability for yourself, etc.  Figure out what you need to do right now in order to step into that future version of you.  This future version of you is the one who is living the life your dreams.  The quicker you can shorten the distance between who you are now and who you’ll be then will help you to achieve your goals faster.


Future Success

There are so many fears, worries, and doubts that try and keep you stuck as the current version of you.  You get so caught up in your head about all the things that could go wrong that you don’t take action to see what could possibly go right.  But, this mentality is preventing you from going after your goals and dreams in life.  Visualize the successful future version of you to see how you would act, feel, and be a few years from now.  That future version of you would not be riddled by fear, worry, and self doubt.  Instead, you would know with certainty that things would work out in your favor.  You just saw it through your future self visualization.  Using that visualization, trust that your goals and dreams will become your reality.  Believe it is so and start taking action today from the mindset that your success is inevitable.



Become the future version of you who is living your dream life.  Begin doing things today that will help you step into that future version of you.  Take action to get you closer to where you want to be in the future.  Avoid falling into pitfalls of self doubt, fear, worry, overwhelm, procrastination, etc.  Take charge and choose to take action every day towards the life of your dreams.  Start being the future version of you who has already achieved your goals and dreams in life.  Take action with the confidence and belief that your success is inevitable.  You’ll quickly be able to fill the gap between where you are and where you want to be living your future dream life.


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