The Universe Is Working In Your Favor

Jan 23, 2025

Sometimes you get swept up in negative emotions that send you into a spiral of even more negative thoughts.  This negative thought pattern starts to consume you.  You constantly play out all the worst case scenarios in your head and you talk it out how you would respond to each one of them.  But, living in this negativity is not helping you.  It’s only building up your anxiety, stress, and negativity that’s creating a dark aura around you.  You cannot create anything good from negative energy.  Rather, you need to shift yourself into a more positive headspace.  That all starts by being of aware of where you’re placing your attention and energy.



When you operate from a place of positivity your mood changes.  You feel a sense of relief.  Your shoulders go up and down with a big sigh.  It’s like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.  From this place of positivity, you can see the potential and start to manifest good things happening for you.  This place of positivity gives you strength, hope, and a light that shines brightly into your abundant future.  You begin to see the possibilities for your future and know with certainty that good things are going to happen.  You’re not sure when, but it will.  You trust and believe that yes, the universe is working in your favor.


Trust And Believe

You might be in the thick of things where life just feels tough.  It’s hard to believe that the universe is really working in your favor.  But, trust and believe that good things are on the way.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel.  It might just be difficult to see right now.  However, the universe is working hard behind the scenes.  What’s happening is something even greater than you ever dreamt possible.  You can’t see what’s conspiring in your favor just yet, but trust and believe that good things are coming.



The truth is, the universe rarely delivers what you want on your timeline.  You always want the quick win and fastest result.  You hate waiting and patience is definitely not your virtue.  But, when you release the fear, worry, and doubt about any given situation and give into the belief that the universe is working in your favor, the result will manifest faster.  You see, you’re too attached to the end result.  You want it right now and that’s not going to happen.  For whatever reason, maybe it’s a lesson to learn or the universe just knows it’s not the right time yet.  Devine timing will happen but when the universe deems it’s time.  You must stick it out by trusting and believing that the universe is working in your favor.



The universe only gives you problems that you can solve from your current state of reality.  As you learn and grow, so will your problems.  Each one will evolve and become bigger.  But, you will be able to handle it because of what you’ve gone through in the past.  Trust and believe that you are able to handle whatever life throws at you.  The universe will never give you something that you cannot handle.  What you’re experiencing today isn’t something that you could have handled a year ago.


Puzzle Pieces

You can’t see all the puzzle pieces falling into place from where you are.  The universe is piecing each one together thoughtfully.  What you want to happen and what will happen might be two entirely different things.  But, trust and believe that you’ll receive either what you want or something better.  Trust and believe that the universe is working in your favor no matter what.



Positivity is a choice.  You can stay consumed by all the negative thoughts and worst case scenarios or at any time you can choose to see things differently.  Zoom out and take a bird’s eye look at things.  It might be difficult to believe that there are good things happening for you.  However, there is something to learn in even the toughest of situations.  Believe that what you’re currently going through is only making you stronger, wiser, and teaching you something that’s only preparing you to be able to handle what’s to come in the future.  Remember, the universe is working in your favor.


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