As you begin this year, it’s important to take note of where you currently are. Assess where you’re at with your goals. Perhaps you want to achieve something really big this year. In order to do so, you’re going to need these three keys to a successful year.
First, begin by thinking about what you’re going to keep doing that’s working for you right now. Maybe this is using your planner to schedule important tasks, limiting your social media consumption, prioritizing non-negotiable time to work on your goals, etc. Think about the things you have prioritized doing that have made the biggest difference in making progress towards your goals. These are the things you want to stay focused on continuing to do because these are the needle moving tasks that are going to help you achieve your goals this year. Make a list of the things you need to keep doing in order to continue making progress towards your goals this year.
Next, decide what you’re going to stop doing that’s not working for you right now. This could be things that are causing you to procrastinate or distract you from working towards your goals. Such as, endlessly scrolling social media, sleeping in or hitting the snooze button in the morning so you run out of time, avoiding using your planner to schedule important tasks, etc. It might be certain limiting beliefs or a mindset that’s keeping you stuck. Take responsibility for your life and where you’re currently at. Admit what’s not helping you right now. Then, decide to let these things go because they are not serving your highest good nor are they helping you to achieve your goals. Rather, these things are hindering your progress, slowing you down, and only causing you more stress and anxiety. Journal what things you’re going to eliminate and stop doing from now on so that you can truly focus on your goals this year.
Lastly, determine what you need to start doing. Create an action plan for yourself on what you’re going to do to achieve your goals this year. Think about how you’re going to show up for yourself and your goals. Come up with some new ideas of what you think will help you. This might be a mindset shift of believing in yourself or having the commitment and discipline to work towards your goals. You won’t know if a particular method is going to be successful until you try it so give it a chance. You must choose to do something different in order achieve a different result. This is especially true if you’re not making the progress you’d like towards your goals. Make a commitment to yourself to try a new approach this year. Write down what you’re going to start doing instead of letting your fears, worries, doubts, and distractions hold you back.
You can have a super successful year. But only if you take time to complete this three step exercise. First, start by acknowledging what’s working in your life and what you’re going to keep doing. These are the things that are currently helping you to achieve your goals. Next, determine what’s not working and stop doing the things that are preventing you from making progress towards your goals. Lastly, decide what you’re going to commit to start doing in order to achieve your goals this year. This might be a new approach or a mindset shift. These three things are the keys to you achieving success this year and well into the future.
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