There are three main ways to take action towards your goal. You must constantly be assessing where you are in life so that you can figure out your next best move to achieve your goal. Otherwise, you’ll remain stuck or get so frustrated that you give up on your goal all together.
The first way to take action towards your goal is to keep pushing forward. There will be times when it’s difficult to achieve your goal. You’ll hit an obstacle or face an unexpected challenge. You have to use everything you have to push forward during these tough times. Achieving your goal is not easy work. It’s called a challenge for a reason. It truly tests your will power and perseverance. Know when you have to keep going and push forward versus being on the edge of burn out where you need to take a moment to pause.
Signs that you need to pause are when you’re taking action towards your goal but you’re not getting anywhere. You’ve hit a wall and you’re struggling to make any progress. You’re getting frustrated and you feel like giving up. This is the time to pause rather than to keep pushing forward. You’ll do more harm than good if you continue to force yourself to keep pushing when you’re not seeing any results or progress.
Take a moment to pause and reassess where you currently are. Figure out what’s working and what’s not. Let go of the things that aren’t helping you and focus on doing more of the things that are helping you to achieve your goal. This is a great time to catch your breath. Going nonstop to achieve your goal will only leave you feeling burnt out. Take this opportunity to truly rest, relax, and recharge so that you can hit the ground running with more energy to achieve your goal. Pausing will recalibrate your energy, mood, and focus so that you’ll be ready to continue taking action to achieve your goal.
Lastly, know when you need to pivot. There will be times when you need to make changes and adjustments to your action plan in order to achieve your goal. If the actions you’re currently taking aren’t working, then it’s time to pause, complete your assessment, and then pivot. You might need to try something new that you’ve never done before. Or, possibly, head in a completely different direction. If you’re feeling stuck, reach out to someone else for help. Seek out advice, read books, watch videos, listen to podcasts about the topic to gain a fresh perspective. You don’t have to achieve your goals alone. There are plenty of resources out there to help you so that you don’t give up on your goal.
If you force yourself to keep pushing forward to achieve your goal it will be like driving a car with the break on. Sometimes you need to take a moment and pause to release the parking break so that it’s easier to drive the car. Take a break from your goal when you’re feeling frustrated, run down, and on the edge of burn out. If you’re feeling depleted, then pause. During your pause, look to see what’s not working. Assess if you need to pivot and make some changes. Then, get back into action and keep pushing forward. Make sure you schedule in time to pause so that you don’t burn out and you stay motivated to keep taking action to achieve your goal.
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