Life is not a race to see who can accumulate all the accomplishments the fastest or get to the end with the most accolades. It’s about enjoying the journey, learning, growing, and who you are becoming in the process. Goals don’t always get achieved on your timeline. Usually, it takes more time and hard work than you realize. But, if you knew just how difficult the journey would be, you might not even try to begin with. You must learn to trust the timing to achieve your goals.
There may be things that you want in your life right now. Maybe that’s a particular goal, achievement, a certain level or status, personal belongings, etc. Your job is to take action to achieve those things. However, getting what you want doesn’t always happen on your timeline. Often, life throws you obstacles to test your determination and will power to keep going. Perhaps the universe is trying to teach you a lesson. All of which makes you stronger, smarter, and wiser for future challenges or obstacles. These are lessons to help you become a better version of you.
You cannot force something to happen that is not meant to be yours. The fact that you have certain hope, goal, or dream on your heart automatically deems it possible. However, when you will actually receive it is up in the air. You can do everything in your power to achieve a certain goal. But, if it’s not meant to be at this time, then it’s not meant to be. It doesn't mean that it won't happen. It's just not right at this exact moment. The question is, do you keep trying, firmly believing that your success is inevitable or do you give up on your dreams?
It’s not easy being patient and waiting for something to happen. You feel like you need to actually be doing something. Goals don’t just magically manifest on their own. You need to play your part and do the hard work. But, sometimes it’s just not the right time yet. For whatever reason, the universe hasn’t given you want you want. It is said that you either get what you want a or lesson to learn. Occasionally you just have more lessons to learn than you’d care for.
It’s hard to keep putting so much time and energy into achieving a goal when you’re not seeing results. Maybe you’re barely making progress. Perhaps it feels like you’re taking one step forward and then two steps back. It could be life has sent you in a completely different direction and it feels like you’re following a permanent detour wondering if you’ll ever get back on track. When you try to force something to happen, it doesn’t always work out. When you’re constantly grinding and you feel like you’re pushing a gigantic boulder uphill, you might feel like it’s time to give up on your goals. Too much hard work can make you think about quitting on your dreams.
You cannot give up on your hopes, goals, and dreams for the future. Instead, you must trust and believe that achieving your goal is on its way to you. It is coming your way in its own time. You don’t need to rush, hurry, or control the process. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey. Trust and believe that it is all unfolding for your greater good. The universe is working hard behind the scenes in your favor. You just can’t see it yet. That can be difficult to believe when you can’t see it happening before your very own eyes. But, this is where your trust and belief really comes into play. When you want something bad enough, the universe will move mountains to make it happen for you. Trust and believe that it will happen but on its own time.
Achieving your goals is on the way to you. However, it might not be on your timeline. Trust and believe that is happening. Keep taking action and enjoy the process. Learn the lessons from each challenge, obstacle, and detour. Believe in yourself and that your goal is possible to achieve. Trust that you will achieve your goal when it’s time.
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