Visualizing Your Future History

Aug 22, 2024

In the future, you will look back on your life.  You’ll see the highs and lows, the moments of great happiness and extreme sadness.  There will be many adventures with memories of good and bad times.  But, through it all, it’s brought you to where you are.  It has all become your future history.  Future events eventually become past events.  If you want certain things to happen in your life then you need to start visualizing the future event occurring.  Your future events are much more likely to become a reality when you spend time visualizing your future history.



Start by visualizing what you want to make happen in the future.  Envision the life you want to live.  Think about who you want to spend it with, where you want to go, where you want to be, what you want to do, etc.  Visualize achieving your goals and dreams.  See yourself in the future of where you are, who you’re with, what you’re doing, and how you feel.  Picture the life you want to create for yourself.  Get clear on what that is for you and spend time each day visualizing the life you want to live.  Your subconscious will go to work to make that your reality.  One day, you won’t be able to tell your visualization apart from the actual life you’re living in the future.  This is the power of visualization.


Your Future History

Visualization can help turn your dreams into reality.  Imagine your future and what you want to achieve.  At some point, this will become your future history.  You’ll have lived through it and it will be in the past.  You’ll be living the life you once only dreamed of.  Consistently showing yourself the life you want to live and finally making that your reality is possible.  Solidify that image by visualizing your future history happening.  Visualizing your future history is how you begin to turn those dreams into reality.



You’re never going to know for certain how the future will go.  There are many unknowns in life.  But, with a clear picture of where you want to go, you can still end up where you want to be.  If you’re worried about how you’re going to get there stop right now.  Do not fall prey to the inner self doubt, the negative committee in your mind, and ultimately the fear of the unknown.  You’re worried about things that have not happened yet.  Consistently visualize your future history and let go of the fear, worry, and self doubt.  Stop questioning yourself, your dream, and if it’s possible.  What was meant to be yours will be yours.  Believe in yourself that you can make your future history happen.



You may have doubts, questions, fears, and worries.  But, in the future, you will be living in the answers to the questions you forgot you had even asked.  You will be living the life you visualized.  You’ll forget about all the fears, worries, doubts, and questions that tried to stop you.  Allow that to sink in and accept that your future history will become your reality.  Do not succumb to the negative thoughts in your head.  Let go of the negativity as it does not serve you or your vision.  Stick to your visualization of your future history and believe without a shadow of a doubt that it is possible.  Believe that your future history is inevitable.  Visualize with confidence, positivity, trust, and believe that your future history will come to fruition for you.



The power of visualization can only go so far as your inner self belief.  Let go of the doubts, worries, and fears about your future.  Focus on visualizing your future history without any negative thoughts or feelings.  Rather, believe that your visualization will become your reality and future history.  One day, you will look back and this visualization will be your reality.  You will be living what you once only dreamed of so make sure what you’re visualizing is what you truly want.  Dreams do become reality and that all starts with a strong visual of your dream life.


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