Your Character In Life

Sep 12, 2024

Everyone is unique.  You have your own personal set of characteristics that set you apart from someone else.  No one person is identical.  That’s what makes you special in your own unique way.  Embrace these differences and distinctive qualities that make you – you!  When you know your specific characteristics, you’ll be able to make more informed important life decisions.  Let’s define your character in life.


Your Character

Your character is who you are.  It’s what you stand for in life.  It’s what you want to be known for and how you present yourself.  Maybe you want to be known as kind, caring, smart, reliable, trustworthy, etc.  Determine what your core characteristics are and what’s most important to you.  These characteristics are what you live and die by.  It’s who you are to your core.  You make every decision and judgement based off these characteristics.  Get really clear on who it is that you want to be.


Your Actions

Your choices and actions determine your future.  But, it also determines who your character is.  It’s what you do and how you show up that matters.  Think about how you’re showing up for yourself, those around you, your goals and dreams in life, etc.  Decide if you’re doing things that are supportive of your good character.  If you’re not, then it’s time to make some changes.


Best Character

Consider what you need to stop doing or let go of to be your best self.  Write down the things that are working, your strengths, and what characteristics you’re most proud of.  Next, write down the things that aren’t helping you.  This might be habits or character flaws or weaknesses that you need to focus on.  Then, think about how you can become better.  Maybe you need to read certain books, take a course, listen to a podcast on a particular topic, etc.  You are your own hero.  Choose how you can help yourself to step into being your best character.


Who You Are

When you know who you are, you can make difficult decisions.  You don’t have to question what’s right or wrong.  You know what your values are and what’s most important to you.  You can confidently decide what actions to take and move in the direction of your dreams.  It’s when you don’t know who you are that you truly struggle in life.  Get to know yourself and who you are.  If you’re struggling, think about your likes, dislikes, what lights you up and makes you happy, what makes you sad, mad, angry, or disappointed, etc.  Define your character so that you know without a shadow of a doubt who you are.



Your character is who you are known to be.  It’s the legacy you’re going to leave behind. It’s how you want people to remember you by.  If you aren’t sure what your character is or you feel like your character could use some improvement, then work on it.  Find ways to be your best self and let go of what’s not working or serving the character you want to be.  Take actions today that are in favor of your character.  When you know who you are, you’ll be able to fully take action towards the goals and dreams of the life you’ve imagined.


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