Your Clear Vision For Your Future

Aug 15, 2024

Sometimes your future can be a bit hazy.  You’re not entirely sure what you want to do.  Maybe you’re only thinking of your short term vision for the next few years.  You might even just be trying to get through today and the current craziness of your life.  Imagining any farther out feels overwhelming.  But, having goals gives your life purpose with something to work towards.  Otherwise, you’re just stuck floating through life without a clear vision of your future.  It’s time to gain some clarity on your future so that you don’t wake up years from now with regrets of what could have happened during the years that passed by.


Dreaming Phase

The first step to gaining clarity on your future vision is to pause, slow down, and be present.  Sit down, close your eyes, take a deep breath in and out to settle your thoughts.  Then, allow yourself to dream.  Give yourself the space and freedom to dream about your future.  Take five or ten minutes if you’re pressed for time.  If you have longer, spend an afternoon in your dreaming phase.  Go for a walk in nature and let your mind wander, imagining all the future possibilities for yourself.  Get lost in all the possible dream future outcomes for your life.


Clarity On What You Want

Next, get clear on what exactly it is that you want.  Think about all the areas of your life.  Consider your mental, emotional, and physical health.  Envision your relationships, hobbies, and career.  Ask yourself, if you could do anything, what would it be.  The sky is the limit here.  There are no restrictions.  Dream big and spend time on each of these areas.  Push yourself to come up with things, even when it gets difficult and you feel like there is nothing more you can think of.  Then, really focus in and get crystal clear on your vision.  Actively visualize yourself in the future including what you’re doing, who you’re with, where you are, how you feel, your surroundings, and clearly see what you want for your future.  Bring your future vision into full focus with the sounds, smells, colors, and images.  Get crystal clear on what it is that you want for your future.


Journal Your Vision

Then, put pen to paper and journal about what your vision is for your future.  It doesn’t have to be in complete sentences.  Just write down what you see.  Take what you want to see for your future and put it down on paper.  Writing it down makes it more likely to happen.  You’re adding more depth to the clear vision of your future.  You’re writing it down and speaking it into existence.  It’s not just a dream in your mind anymore.  It’s real and more believable to you because it’s written down.  You’re writing your future history and telling yourself what you want to make happen.  This a great place to constantly refer back to so that you can remind yourself of what you’re working to achieve.  If you ever feel lost or off track in the future, reach for your journal and reread your vision statement.



Life will continue to pass by but it’s up to you to figure out what you want to do with that time.  If you don’t want to wake up one day and wonder where the time went and what you could have done, then it’s time to be proactive.  Get clear on what you want for your future.  Your clear vision for your future starts with allowing yourself to dream and imagine what you want to make happen.  Spend time visualizing and dreaming.  Then, write it down and bring even more clarity to your future vision so that you’re absolutely certain what you want to achieve.  You have to know where you’re headed if you ever want to get there.  It’s not going to magically happen on its own.  Get clear on what you want for your future so that you know what you’re working towards.  Your subconscious will get to work to help you turn your dreams into reality but, first you have to know what that future dream is.  Spend time today getting a clear vision for your future.  Your future self will thank you later when you’re living the dream life you visualized.


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