Becoming Your Inner Child’s Hero

Feb 23, 2023

Your mind is constantly taking in life and rechecking with your past to see how you will responded.  If it was a good experience, you’re likely to feel at peace and relaxed.  If it was a not so favorable experience, you may want to flee, hide, or avoid it all together.  You’re looking at life through the lens of your past experiences.  Most of these experiences were formed in your childhood.  As a child, from ages zero to seven, you learn your true feelings, needs, what it means to be safe, vulnerable, to trust, and play.  At this age, you take in your experiences to form your thoughts and beliefs about the world.  You carry these beliefs into your adolescence and adulthood to help you make decisions in life.


Unable To Process

Often times, your younger self doesn’t know how to process these situations and the emotions that arise.  You don’t have a guide to talk you through it so you do the best with what you have.  But, sometimes you’ve formed a belief around an experience from childhood that’s constantly holding you back in your adult life.  You’re unable to step into your true power because this previous experience tells you don’t do it!  Don’t go after your goals and dreams because it’s scary and unsafe.  Your mind just wants to keep you safe, alive, and to be accepted.  Anything that contradicts that is to be avoided at all costs.


Be Your Own Hero

What you are doing is avoiding addressing the underlying issue that your inner child has needs that are not being met.  You constantly block your own needs and emotions instead of expressing them appropriately.  Only you can help meet the needs of your inner child.  No one else can.  Do not look for acceptance or a hero to come and save you externally.  You must be your own hero.  You can be your own guide for your younger self.  Be what you needed in those difficult moments.  Let your emotions and feelings out.  It is safe to have them.


Connect With your Inner Child

Look for ways to connect with your inner child so you figure out what needs are not being met.  Start with acts of play.  Think back to things you enjoyed as a child, whether that’s roller skating, drawing, board games, etc.  This will take time and patience.  But, once you’ve connected with your inner child, you can address what you need in order to move forward towards your goals in life.


Meeting Your Needs

Once your inner child’s needs are met, you can start living life in the present.  You feel curious, compassionate, and are conscious about your surroundings in the present moment.  You notice how you feel and can express your emotions.  You can recognize when a thought or belief is untrue and if you’re just telling yourself a story in order to feel safe or accepted.  In other words, you can call yourself out when you’re keeping yourself in your comfort zone.  You’ve become your own hero by meeting the needs of your inner child.



If you never address your inner child’s needs you’ll just continue with old patterns, stories, and beliefs that prevent you from going after your goals in life.  When you hide your true needs and emotions, you find other ways to cope which can be destructive.  This can cause you to make poor decisions and unhealthy choices.  Be your own hero and guide to finding safety and acceptance within yourself.  There is no reason to feel ashamed because you and your needs matter.  Only then will you be able to bust through the blocks that have been holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams in life.


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