Set An Intention

Aug 30, 2018

Set an intention for how you want to feel this week.


My yoga teacher taught me this idea of setting a weekly intention.  Each week you choose a different aspect to focus on and bring more awareness to it.


This really aligned with my belief in focusing on how I want my life to feel and ways in which to make that happen on a daily basis.


The idea is to make a conscious effort to set an intention to focus on how you want your life to feel.  Then find ways to feel that way on a daily basis.  It may be something you’ve been neglecting in your life or something you feel is missing.


I’ve come to realize that happiness is essential to life feeling good for me.


Defining happiness can be different for everyone.  I will be truly happy when…


For some it’s when they have all the “things.”  Such as, unlimited income, a nice car, a fancy house, the perfect family, etc.  Essentially, having everything you could possibly imagine.  I think we’ve all heard those stories of people who seem to have it all and yet they aren’t happy.


Since happiness is a feeling, it’s hard to define it by physical things.  Rather, happiness is spending time with your family, soaking up the sun outdoors, learning something new, traveling across the country or visiting exotic places.  It’s hard to put a price tag on the things that make you happiest.  These “things” make you smile, laugh, and allow you to be present in the moment.



Last week I decided to set an intention to be more present while taking a vacation in San Diego.  I focused on taking in the moment and enjoying my surroundings to create lasting memories.  We often get so sucked into scrolling social media or thinking about what’s coming in the future that we forget what’s going on around us right now.  When I started to drift away from the present I remembered my weekly intention and pulled myself back into the moment.  I smiled and felt grateful for this trip.


This weekly intention brought more happiness into my life by allowing me to have this sense of calm, being in the present moment, without rushing onto the next activity.


The goal is to feel the way we want to feel on a daily basis and incorporate more of these moments into our lives.  You may be struggling right now and choosing a word to focus on this week will pull you out of the funk.


The truth is, you have the power to choose how you want to feel.  Best of all, you can change the moments that don’t feel good to you.


You can decide that you no longer want to feel that negative headspace and choose to do something that makes you happy like going for a walk or listening to music.  The key is to interrupt that negative pattern by choosing something positive.  Recognize when those negative thoughts cross into your mind and use your chosen focus word to change your thoughts.


My challenge for you this week is to set a positive intention for how you want to feel.  This may be something you’ve been neglecting or haven’t made a conscious priority in your life.  Download the free PDF with a few ideas to help you!




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