Three Important Life Changing Questions

Dec 14, 2023

As the year winds down, it’s time to take a deeper look at where you are and where you want to be.  Be honest with yourself if you’re just floating through life’s daily motions or if you gave it your all and tried your hardest to achieve your goals this year.  If you’re patting yourself on the back for a job well done, then celebrate that success.  If you’re not quite where you’d like to be then use the following three questions to help you set yourself up for an incredible new year.  These questions can also be used if you’re ending this year on a high and you’re ready to crush next year’s goals too.  Use these three important life changing questions dive deeper into realizing what you truly want to make happen in your life.



The first question to ask yourself is, what do you want to experience in your life?  You’re here to have a human experience so decide what you want that to mean.  Perhaps you want to travel more or take up a new hobby.  Think about what you want to experience in your lifetime.  You’re at this point in your life but maybe you have an inkling that you know you’re meant for more.  Don’t hold yourself back any longer.  Go for it!  Get excited about the new year and all that it has to offer.


Try Harder

The next question is, in what area of your life do you need to try harder?  Perhaps you’re feeling stuck in your daily routine of life and you’ve just settled because it’s comfortable.  Life feels good enough.  You’ve achieved some amazing things in your life but ultimately, you’re holding yourself back from fully experiencing life.  You know you can try harder and step outside your comfort zone more.  Think about the things in your life you wish you would try harder to make happen.  Sometimes you need to be patient and stick it out, even when it gets difficult.  Don’t give up on your goals and dreams so soon.  Decide where you need to try harder and push yourself to step outside your comfort zone to try new things in the new year.



Lastly, what would make you happy?  Think about all the little things that bring a smile to your face and laughter in your life.  Figure out what would make you happy.  Maybe that’s taking a much needed break to relax and recharge.  Perhaps that’s spending more time reconnecting with friends and family.  Consider all the things that would make you happiest and then start doing each one!  Make this a priority in your life because life feels better when you’re happy.  Your new year deserves to be full of fun, success, and most of all happiness.  Concentrate on doing the things that light you up and make you happy in your life.



These three questions are powerful and can evoke change in your life where you need it the most.  If you’re unhappy with the life you’re currently living then it’s time to make some changes.  Use these questions to help you make that positive impact in your life.  Change doesn’t happen overnight, but it starts when you take a deeper look at where you and where you want to be.  As you wind down this year, take time to fully reflect on your life and answer these questions honestly.  This will help to set you up for an amazing new year.


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